Thursday, January 22, 2009

Cosmetic Tube Sealing Machines

Well we thought we would go a little crazy today and push the boundaries of Polythylene Tubes Sites by showing you some examples of what to do when you have your tube it is filled and you need to Seal it up also known as crimping

This first video is a Semi-Automatic Machine Sealing what looks like some cosmetic tubes. These types of machines can be found in Labortories all around the world. Watch out you don't seal your fingers.

Now here's and all singing and dancing Cosmetic Tube Sealer. Whilst it's not at the top of the range super car it's defienatly in the GTI range. Cosmetic Tubes are loaded into the table and goes through filling to Sealing.

Do you work in a Lab with a sealing machine, do you have a passion for Cosmetic Tubes production or maybe it is just your job to market Cosmetic Tubes then we wanna hear from you. So drop us a line and help us make this the biggest Cosmetic Tube Polyethylene Tube site in the World :-)


  1. Well I guess someone had to do it. A blog about Cosmetic Tubes!!! Actually there is something very sexy about the sqeezy tubes especially the frosted types with hot-stamping on them :-)

  2. Oh yes I like the way the the sealer presses against the plastic very exotic

  3. For Continuous band sealer, tube sealing machine, shrink wrapping machine, pneumatic impulse sealing machine and other packaging solutions please visit

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